Launching of Ecomemoria

September 9th, 2023, marked a significant milestone with the inauguration of ecomemoria, after four months of hard voluntary work. The torrential rains that accompanied that day could not overshadow the emotion and commitment of the numerous people who were present, coming from Parral, Santiago, Valparaíso, Temuco, Pitrufquén, La Serena, London (England), and several towns in the Araucanía region

It was a moving spectacle to witness how, amidst the intense rain, everyone planted trees with fervour and dedication. Among the crowd, a family searched determinedly, alongside the members of ecomemoria, for the tree that represented their loved one… until they finally found it. This emotional moment reflected the long struggle that had been fought for years: a struggle marked by hope, effort, perseverance, commitment, and the shared dream of building a better future

Although the inauguration of ecomemoria represented the realisation of a long-awaited dream, it also marked the beginning of a new chapter. September 9th, 2023, symbolised the fulfilment of a longing that was conceived years ago: to plant a tree for every freedom and political fighter who disappeared or was executed during the civic-military dictatorship

This forest stands as a living monument, where the dreams, struggles, and hopes of those who are no longer with us continue to be tangible. It is a powerful symbol of the tireless pursuit of truth and justice that has characterised so many years of struggle