Dreams are made by hand and without permission

On May 6, 2023, the dream to plant a forest of memory of native trees – Ecomemoria became a reality, near Curacautin, in the province of Malleco, in the Araucania region. The trees that we have been planting for years in squares, streets and Parks, in different cities and towns around the world, became silent witnesses to the women and men who were victims of the military dictatorship, now can embrace each other in a single corner full of meaning.

The ceremony began with the reading of the names of the victims followed by a ceremony led by the local Lonko Juan Kidel, from the Ignacio Huaiquilao community, and the planting of the first 15 Koywe trees. On this occasion, local and national human rights organisations participated, including the Association of Relatives of Detained Disappeared and Politically Executed of the Araucania as well as from other parts of the country, Memoriaviva, Modatima Wallmapu, and members of other social organisations

Why a forest? A forest is more than just a colony of trees; it is a symbol of diversity, unity, and solidarity. A space where different species nourish, support and accompany each other in harmony with the environment. Thus, the Ecomemoria forest not only seeks to keep alive the memory of the detained disappeared and politically executed people of the dictatorship but also to preserve the memory of the social project they embraced and that we continue to embrace: a project born from the diversity of social and political movements in Chile, with the dream of building a more just and equal society. Likewise, the Ecomemoria project is embedded not only in our history and struggles, with deep roots that connect us with the past, but also inspire us for the future.