Caring for Ecomemoria: watering the forest

In the process of building this forest, as in many other processes, there is a time for planting, a time for caring, and a time for harvesting. During the planting months in the winter of 2023, we managed to plant over 1500 trees. Each of these trees bears the name of a detained-disappeared, or executed political person, and their spirit lives within each one of them

Summer brought the period of caring for each tree, which involved creating “cups” around each tree and watering them one by one. This required water and the collaboration of volunteers in watering the tress, a process held every other day. The scarcity of water posed a major problem, so experts sought to find a source, and once found, but it was necessary to build a well to provide the water. This investment was considerable but indispensable for the care of a growing forest

The work of the volunteers was arduous, with an average of 5 volunteers from Ecomemoria, the Araucanía region and England attending every other day to water each tree. We want to express our appreciation for their commitment

We sincerely thank those who visited the forest and helped during this period

The invitation to join and collaborate is constant because Ecomemoria is a collective project, part of the tribute and the struggle for truth and justice