Nueva temporada de riego en Ecomemoria

With the end of the rainy season in the Araucanía, Ecomemoria is preparing to begin a crucial new cycle: the watering of the native trees we have planted in memory of the victims of the dictatorship. This process is essential to ensure that over 2500 trees, including Olivillo, Lumilla, Radales, Robles, Raulíes, Coigües, and Avellanos, continue to grow healthy and strong:

The new irrigation season will start in early November 2024 and will likely last until the end of April 2025.

During these months, we will take care of each tree, ensuring they receive the water needed for their development, especially during the driest periods of summer

We invite everyone to join us in this important task. Irrigation is not only vital for environmental care but also a symbolic act of memory and hope. Every drop of water we provide is a tribute to those who are no longer with us, but whose legacy remains alive in our struggles and in the nature that honours them

If you would like to be part of this effort, we invite you to contact us. Your participation is key to the success of this initiative and to keeping the memory of those we honour alive

Join us and help these trees continue to grow, along with the memory that blooms with them!