Water, memory, solidarity, and life

Water winds through rivers, sometimes as an imposing torrent whose force leaves us breathless. Other times, it rests quietly in lagoons, inviting us to contemplate its serenity. And on other occasions, it disappears from our sight, hiding in the depths of the earth

Water is the essence of life, just as principles, joys, dreams, and hope are. Ecomemoria was born as a tribute to life itself, a tree for every memory, a life in every tree. Part of this tribute led us to search for water to nourish the trees. This search, a reflection of a prolonged struggle for truth and justice, required time, the participation of specialists, and the use of advanced technology. Once the water was found, more resources were needed to make it accessible, with the construction of a well that allowed the trees planted to stay alive thanks to the tireless efforts of comrades who, with dedication, watered them day after day during the summer months

The construction of the well was vital for the survival of the trees, just as keeping the memory alive is crucial for our comrades to remain present with us

Today, water, memory, and solidarity infuse life into the Ecomemoria forest

We invite you to join this noble quest for life