They tried to bury us, but they did not know we were seeds

During the months from May to September 2023, we experienced moments filled with solidarity and commitment in southern Chile. It’s during this time when trees should be planted, and every weekend, a small group of people, moved by a deep sense of solidarity, travelled from Temuco, Curacautín, Pitrufquén, La Serena and Santiago to Ecomemoria to pay tribute to each person remembered in this forest, planting trees in their memory

For us, each tree planted is not just a physical act, but a gesture of solidarity and commitment to those who are no longer with us. With care and dedication, we cleared bamboo from the land and protected the bases of the trees with tubes and grates, ensuring that each one grows strong and protected. Some trees were donated, others obtained from local nurseries, but all of them carried a special meaning, a tribute to the life and legacy of those we want to remember

Every purchase, every load in the truck, every moment shared on the land, was imbued with emotion and gratitude towards those who have supported this meaningful project. Following the specialists’ instructions, we planted with care and precision, fixing georeferenced points to ensure that each tree would find its place in this sanctuary of memory and ecology

Rain or shine, with tiredness, but also with determination and commitment, this group dedicated their time and effort to achieve our goal: to reach September 11, 2023, with at least 1000 native trees planted in Ecomemoria. Each of these trees is a demand for truth and justice and a symbol of solidarity, memory, and hope for us and for future generations